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A Survivor’s Guide to a Civil Lawsuit in Utah (Part 1)

Posted November 5, 2021
Introduction In the last several decades, advocates in the anti-rape movement and their allies have worked together to name violence against children and adults as an overwhelmingly unacknowledged social problem. This issue was somewhat brought into the light following the Me-Too movement (or #MeToo) that stemmed from the 2017 sexual abuse allegations against Harvey...
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Helpful Tips For Personal Injury Deposition Preparation

Posted October 19, 2021
Clients who are involved in a personal injury lawsuit will almost always have their deposition taken at one point or another. We want our clients to feel confident when they are having to do this process. However, if our client has never been deposed, they can be apprehensive with the prospect of being in...
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How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

Posted October 8, 2021
Timeline of an Accident Claim & Settlement There is no formula for exactly how long your personal injury case will take because of a number of factors unique to every case, but we can confidently say that there is no incentive in personal injury cases for your personal injury attorney to drag out the...
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Why Doesn’t My Primary Care Physician Refer Me To A Chiropractor?

Posted October 5, 2021
Introduction A question I am frequently asked by some of our clients is why didn’t the emergency room, the hospital, or their primary care physician recommend them to see a chiropractor for their back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, etc. While many times clients are referred to chiropractic, there are still some instances where...
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How the Covid-19 Pandemic Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

Posted October 1, 2021
The Covid-19 Pandemic The Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the way personal injury attorneys assist clients. Almost 18 months after the pandemic started in March 2020, many personal injury lawyers are still working from home in various parts of the country, and most courts are still holding hearings online. Our firm shut down initially during...
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Can I recover for personal injury from an ATV accident?

Posted September 28, 2021
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, each year more than 135,000 people are injured on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and hundreds of fatalities occur as a result of ATV accidents. In Utah each year there are approximately 7 or more deaths from ATV accidents. This article is not meant to be a critique of...
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